
“Commercial fishing is tied not only to our personal identity, but our communities’ identity. We’ve been here a long time.” – Rhonda Dooley

Commercial & Food Fishing

Fishing has been at the heart of daily life in the Regional District of Mount Waddington for thousands of years in First Nations communities, and through the past hundred or more years commercial fishing has served as a major economic driver for the region’s communities. Port Hardy continues to function as one of British Columbia’s largest commercial fishing ports and the regions other communities all host small local commercial fishing fleets. Small Craft Harbour facilities funded by the Government of Canada are available in Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Sointula and Alert Bay. There are also private marinas, ice plants, fuel suppliers, fish offloading facilities, processing plants, and amenities that support the industry.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Sport Fishing

Charter and private sport fishing vessels are a common summer sight in the region and provide a vital boost to the economy. All five species of Salmon migrate through Queen Charlotte Strati, and fisherman can also fish several species of bottom fish. Explore fishing charter options with Vancouver Island North Tourism’s sport fishing web directory!

Vancouver Island North Tourism – Sport Fishing
Sportfish Licensing