
Holberg, the Gateway to Cape Scott Trail and the North Coast Trail, is a small community on Holberg Inlet, which is connected to Coal Harbour, Quatsino, Port Alice, and Winter Harbour by Quatsino Sound. It’s situated on the road that accesses beautiful Cape Scott, Raft Cove and Grant Bay Provincial Parks, features the well-known Scarlet Ibis Pub, and is home base to a logging camp and a handful of locals who may have arrived in the booming days of the Holberg Military base.

Holberg is the last stop for backpackers set to tackle the Cape Scott Trail and the North Coast Trail. These trails attract visitors from all over the world for their stunning views and untouched wilderness experiences. Find out more about Vancouver Island North Hiking.

A notable attraction near town is one of the region’s most famous, Ronning’s Garden. Carved out of the rainforest in 1910 by original owner Bernt Ronning, this vast exotic garden was grown from fascinating plants brought by the original owner from around the world. Today a small group of volunteers tends to the five-acre property which includes a collection of bamboos, rhododendrons, and Japanese maples.

Several logging companies and contractors have camp and shop facilities in the community.

For more detailed information on Holberg, please visit the Regional District of Mount Waddington’s website.

North Island Directory

This directory allows you to search through the hundreds of businesses, facilities, organizations and clubs available to you within Holberg and all around Northern Vancouver Island.

Business/Organization NameAddressContactCommunityCategory
Alert Bay Pickle Ball185 Cedar StreetVillage of Alert Bay 974-5213Alert BaySports & Recreation
Alert Bay Skate Park185 Cedar StVillage of Alert Bay 974-5213Alert BaySports & Recreation
Alert Bay Bowling185 Cedar Street250-974-5448 (Edgar)Alert BaySports & Recreation
Alert Bay Artloft60 Fir St250-974-8147 or
Email Alert Bay Artloft
Alert BayArts & Culture
Alert Bay Ecological Park160 Alder RoadVillage of Alert Bay 974-5213Alert BayParks & Nature
Alert Bay Library-Museum116 Fir St250-974-5721Alert BayArts & Culture
Alert Bay Seafest & Music Fest250-974-3144 (Kelly Speck)Alert BayEvents
Alert Bay Visitor Centre118 Fir St250-974-5024
Email Alert Bay Visitor Centre
Alert BayTourism and Hospitality
Culture Shock Interactive Gallery10A Front St250-974-2484Alert BayArts & Culture
City Trails118 Fir StreetVillage of Alert Bay 974-5213Alert BayParks & Nature
U'mista Cultural CentreFront St #1250-974-5403
Email U'mista Cultural Centre
Alert BayArts & Culture
40K Taxi & Charters303 Fir Street250-974-5525Alert BayTransportation
Airstrip101 Alder Rd250-974-5213Alert BayTransportation
Alert Bay Boat HarbourVillage of Alert Bay 974-5213250-974-5727Alert BayMarine Services
Alert Bay Drugs90 Fir St250-974-5712Alert BayRetail
Bayside Inn81 Fir St250-974-3101 or
Alert BayDining
BC Ferries250-956-4533Alert BayTransportation
BC Liquor Store21 Maple Road250-974-5450Alert BayRetail
Dr. John FitzgeraldBox 570, 74 Fir Street250-974-3106Alert BayHealthcare
Namgis Dr. ClinicBox 210, 49 Atli Street250-974-5520Alert BayHealthcare
Cormorant Island Health Centre49 School Rd250-974-5585Alert BayHealthcare
Namgis Dental Clinic250-974-5205Alert BayDental Care
Shoprite/Rona99 Fir St250-974-2777Alert BayRetail
The Next Generation Video Rentals257 Fir Street250-974-7879Alert BayEntertainment
Royal Canadian Legion 19879 Maple Road250-974-5447Alert BayEntertainment
Village Office15 Maple Road250-974-5213Alert BayMunicipal Services
I’Kila Therapy's250-974-8182
Email I'Kila Therapy's
Alert BayHealthcare
Bayside Restaurant81 Fir Street250-974-3101 or
Alert BayDining
Cook Shack20 Maple Road250-974-0004Alert BayDining
Pass'n Thyme4 Maple Road250-974-2670Alert BayDining
Shoprite Grocery Store & Deli99 Fir Street250-974-2777Alert BayRetail
Step Up to the Plate CateringCatering250-974-5826Alert BayDining
Alert Bay 360250-527-0244Alert BaySports & Recreation
Alert Bay Artists Society60 Fir Street250-974-2787
Email Alert Bay Artists Society
Alert BayService Club
Alert Bay Lion's Club162 Alder Street, Air Port Building250-974-5501 or
Alert BayService Club
Alert Bay Volunteer Fire Department250-974-8212Alert BaySafety
ArtFest250-974-2787Alert BayArts & Culture
Cormorant Island Emergency Preparedness250-974-5522Alert BaySafety
Cormorant Recreation Association250-974-5923Alert BaySports & Recreation
Girls Group250-974-5356Alert BayYouth Programming
Hospital Auxiliary250-974-5426Alert BayService Club
Junior Rangers250-974-5451Alert BayYouth Programming
Karate (Ivan DeToro)250-974-5213Alert BaySports & Recreation
Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #198250-974-2909Alert BayService Club
Western Forest Products Ltd.250-288-3362HolbergForestry
Broughton Sports Club (Hyde Creek)250-230-2895Hyde CreekSports & Recreation
Hyde Creek Advisory Planning Committee250-956-3301Hyde CreekMunicipal Services
Hyde Creek Volunteer Fire Department250-956-4731Hyde CreekSafety
Reinforest Riders956-8223Hyde Creek
Alcoholics Anonymous250-284-0045 (Jim)Port AliceCommunity Services
Builders Warehouse250-284-3535Port AliceBusiness
Al-Anon259-284-6677Port AliceCommunity Services
Candi Island Beauty Bar604-614-8683Port AliceBeauty Salon
Connolly Contracting250-999-8312Port AliceContractor
Crosswired Repair & I.T Services250-209-2884Port AliceIT Services
Foggy Mountain Coffee Co.250-209-2854Port AliceCoffee Shop
Frigon Paddling403-796-9512Port AliceKayaking Business
Alice in Action Society250-284-6252
Email Alice in Action Society
Port Alice
Paddles and Pedals1-480-399-3359Port AliceBusiness
Port Alice Fish and Wildlife Association250-284-6266Port AliceMunicipal Services
Port Alice Community Centre250-284-3912Port AliceCommunity Centre
Port Alice Health Centre250-284-3555Port AliceHealthcare
Islanders Commercial Hockey250-209-0929 (Bruce)Port AliceSports & Recreation
Murmaid Ventures Charters250-209-0929Port AliceFish Charters
Mountain Movers Early Learning Centre 403-376-6501Port AliceEducation Centre
McWilkies Fast Food1-833-629-4554Port AliceFood Truck
Port Alice Golf Club250-284-3213 (Tom)
Email Port Alice Golf Club
Port AliceSports & Recreation
Port Alice Girl Guides250-284-0015 (Ashley)Port AliceYouth Programming
Port Alice Lions Club250-284-6663Port AliceService Club
Port Alice Minor Hockey Association250-284-3325Port AliceYouth Programming
Port Alice Volunteer Fire Department250-284-3946Port AliceSafety
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #180250-284-3256Port AliceService Club
Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue250-284-3922 (Non-emergency) 1-877-566-5112
Emergency 1-800-567-5111
Port AliceMarine Services
Port Alice Library250-284-3554Port AliceCommunity Services
Cakes by Ashley250-284-0015Port AliceBusiness
Community Centre250-281-3391Port AliceCommunity Services
Almost Retired Goodwork Enterprise250-902-2221Port Hardy
Better at Home250-949-8333Port Hardy
Bushido Shotokan Karate-Do Academy250-949-6686Port HardySports & Recreation
Filomi Days250-949-6665Port Hardy
Fort Rupert Curling Club250-949-6463Port HardySports & Recreation
German Edelweiss Cultural Club250-230-1376Port Hardy
Girl Guides Of Canada800-565-8111Port HardyYouth Programming
Grassroots Learning Centre & Forest Farm250-230-4243Port HardyChildcare
Hardy Bay Senior Citizens Centre250-949-7252Port HardySenior Services
Kinsman Club of Port Hardy250-949-7700Port HardyService Club
Legion Branch No. 237250-949-6853Port HardyService Club
Masons250-956-2912Port HardyService Club
Mount Cain Alpine Skiing Society1-888-668-6622Port HardySports & Recreation
North Island Amateur Radio SocietyPort Hardy
North Island Bonsai ClubPort Hardy
North Island Concert Society250-902-7827Port HardyArts & Entertainment
North Island Crisis and Counselling Centre250-949-6033Port Hardy
North Island Employment Foundation Society250-949-5736Port Hardy
North Island Exhibition Grounds (Tri-Sport Speedway)250-949-8475Port Hardy
North Island Infant Development Programme Society250-949-3031Port Hardy
Overeaters Anonymous250-949-7069 or
Port Hardy
Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce250-949-7622Port Hardy
Port Hardy Christian Fellowship250-949-6466Port Hardy
Port Hardy EmergencyPort Hardy
Port Hardy Fellowship Baptist Church250-949-6844Port Hardy
Port Hardy Fish and Wildlife Society250-949-6707Port HardyCommunity Services
Port Hardy Heritage Society250-949-8143Port Hardy
Port Hardy Hospital Auxiliary250-949-7013Port Hardy
Port Hardy Library250-949-6661Port Hardy
Port Hardy Lions Club250-949-8883Port Hardy
Port Hardy Minor Hockey ClubBox 2326, Port HardyPort Hardy
Port Hardy Museum250-949-8143Port Hardy
Port Hardy Rangers250-949-6076Port Hardy
Port Hardy Recreation Centre - Arena250-949-6686Port Hardy
Port Hardy Recreation Centre - Indoor Swimming Pool250-949-6686Port Hardy
Port Hardy Recreation Centre - Civic Centre250-949-8883Port Hardy
Port Hardy Rotary Club250-949-7338Port Hardy
Port Hardy Second Hand Store & Food Bank (Harvest Food Bank)250-902-0332Port Hardy
Port Hardy Seventh-day Adventist Church250-949-7377Port Hardy
Port Hardy Toastmasters Club250-288-3664Port Hardy
Port Hardy Twinning Society250-949-2315Port Hardy
Port Hardy Volunteer Fire Department250-230-0705Port Hardy
Port Hardy Youth Soccer250-949-9461Port HardyYouth Programming
Providence Place Inn250-949-8899Port Hardy
Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre250-902-0336 or
Port Hardy
Red Hat DivasPort Hardy
Rotary Club of Port Hardy250-230-0290Port HardyService Club
Royal Canadian Legion250-949-4551Port HardyService Club
Sacred Wolf Friendship Centre250-902-0552Port Hardy
Salvation Army Lighthouse Resource Centre250.949.8125Port Hardy
Scouts Canada1-888-SCOUTSNOWPort HardyYouth Programming
Seven Hills Golf & Country Club250-949-9818Port Hardy
St. Bonaventure Catholic Church250-949-6524Port Hardy
St. Columba's Anglican United Church250-949-6247Port Hardy
Tour de Rock250-949-6335Port Hardy
T'sakis Football Club250-949-8830 or
Port Hardy
Tsulquate River Watershed Working GroupPort Hardy
Van Isle 360Port Hardy
Advisory Planning Commission250-956-3111Port McNeil
A-Frame Book Store250-956-2912Port McNeil
Alanon250-956-2069Port McNeil
Ambulance (Port McNeill Amb. Society)For emergencies call 911
Port McNeilSafety
Arena (Port McNeill Chilton Regional)250-956-3522Port McNeil
Awana & Cubbies Kids Clubs250-956-3345 (Awana)
250-902-1040 (Cubbies)
Port McNeilYouth Programming
Baptist Church956-4737Port McNeil
Better at Home949-8333Port McNeil
Broughton Curling Club778-686-7788
Email the Broughton Curling Club
Port McNeil
Broughton Sports Club250-230-2895Port McNeilSports & Recreation
Canadian Rangers250-974-8342Port McNeilYouth Programming
Catholic Church - St. Mary's250-956-3909Port McNeilReligious Organizations
Chamber of Commerce, Port McNeill & DistrictEmail Port McNeill Chamber of CommercePort McNeilCommunity Services
Child Care Resource Referral (Regional)1-800-565-6510
Email Child Care Resource Referral
Port McNeilChildcare
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints250-956-4858Port McNeil
Civil Air Search & Rescue250-956-4444 or
Port McNeil
Community Futures250-956-2220Port McNeilCommunity Services
Diving Club (Top Island Econauts)250-956-3525Port McNeilSports & Recreation
Eastern Star (Order of)956-4592Port McNeil
Emergency Program – Port McNeill956-3111Port McNeil
Emergency Program – Regional District956-3161Port McNeil
Figure Skating Club250-956-3995Port McNeilSports & Recreation
Flying Club250-956-2496Port McNeilSports & Recreation
Full Gospel Church956-4741Port McNeil
Gate House Community Association949-0160
Email Gate House Community Association
Port McNeilService Club
Gate House Theatre250-902-9258
Email Gate House Theatre
Port McNeilArts & Culture
Gate House Players250-949-0160
Email Gate House Players
Port McNeilArts & Culture
Girl Guides of Canada250-956-3749Port McNeilYouth Programming
Guide/Scout Hall - rental information250-956-2919 or
250-956-3233 (Hall)
Port McNeil
Happy Gang250-956-3563Port McNeil
Harbour Advisory CommitteePort McNeil
Harley Owners Group (HOG)250-956-4818Port McNeil
Jehovah's Witnesses250-956-3540Port McNeil
Junior Canadian RangersPort McNeil
Karate – Port McNeill Kenpo Karate250-956-3854Port McNeil
Library (Vancouver Island Regional)250-956-3669Port McNeilYouth Programming
Lioness Club250-956-4400Port McNeil
Lions Club250-956-4296Port McNeil
MS Society, North Island Chapter250-956-4578
Email the MSSociety
Port McNeil
Triport Minor Hockey250-956-5000Port McNeil
Mount Cain Alpine Park Society250-956-2760
Email Mount Cain Alpine Park Society
Port McNeil
North Island Community Ser. & WHY250-956-3134Port McNeil
North Island Community Band250-902-2664Port McNeil
North Island Eagles250-956-2330Port McNeil
NI GamingEmail NI GamingPort McNeil
North Island Timing Association250-949-0179Port McNeil
N. V. I. Baseball League250-956-4977Port McNeil
Pleasure Craft Operator Card250-956-2850Port McNeil
Port McNeill CATS Meow Society250-230-3254Port McNeil
Port McNeill Hospital Auxiliary250-956-3504Port McNeil
Port McNeill Marine Rescue Society250-956-4662 or
Port McNeil
Port McNeill Seniors (New Horizon)250-956-2448Port McNeil
Prenatal Classes250-956-3134Port McNeil
Preschool - Huckleberry House250-956-3134Port McNeil
Promising Babies250-956-3134Port McNeil
Radio Operators Certification250-956-4662Port McNeil
Rainbow Lodge No. 180 GLBCY (A.F. & A.M.)250-956-2912Port McNeil
Reinforest Riders Association250-956-8223Port McNeil
Rotary Club of Port McNeill250-956-2094Port McNeil
Royal Canadian Legion250-956-3682Port McNeil
Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary250-956-3682Port McNeil
Scouts Canada250-230-6075Port McNeilYouth Programming
Slo Pitch250-956-2893Port McNeilSports & Recreation
Soccer (Port McNeill Youth)250-956-2933Port McNeil
Soccer (North Island League)250-956-2933Port McNeil
St. John Gualbert Anglican United Fellowship250-956-3533Port McNeil
Thrift Shop (Second Look)1503 Broughton Blvd250-956-3833Port McNeil
Toddler Time250-956-3134Port McNeilYouth Programming
Volunteer Fire DepartmentFor emergencies call 911
Port McNeil
Volunteer Fire Dept. - Junior Program250-956-4513Port McNeilYouth Programming
Women's Ice Hockey (Down Pour)250-956-2933
Email the Sports & Recreation Centre
Port McNeilSports & Recreation
Quatsino Post Office250-949-9567QuatsinoCommunity Services
Quatsino Learning Centre250-949-6618QuatsinoEducation
Quatsino Government WarfQuatsinoMarine Services
St. Olaf's Anglican Church250-902-0512 (Vicky)QuatsinoRegious Organization
Quatsino CemeteriesQuatsinoFuneral Services
Quatsino Museum and ArchivesEmail Quatsino Museum and ArchivesQuatsinoArts & Culture
Quatsino Lending Library250-949-7879QuatsinoCommunity Services
Quatsino Residents Association250-949-7879QuatsinoService Club
Quatsino Cemetery CommitteeQuatsinoService Club
Quatsino Volunteer Fire Brigade250-949-0401QuatsinoSafety
Quatsino Neighbourhood Preparedness Team250-949-7960 (Gwen)QuatsinoService Club
Eagle Manor Resort1 Evenson Road250-949-2685QuatsinoTourism and Hospitality
Quatsino Lodge / First Light ChartersE 335 Quatsino Road866-279-5061QuatsinoTourism and Hospitality
Kagoagh Resort & Fishing Lodge7 Hecate Cove250-902-0434QuatsinoTourism and Hospitality
Voda Point Resort250-902-0512 (Peter)QuatsinoTourism and Hospitality
Scandia West Fishing Club250-949-6338 (Al)QuatsinoSports & Recreation
Jane Lake Holdings Ltd.250-245-7357 (Don)Quatsino
Hecate Cove Lodge Ltd250-949-9966QuatsinoTourism and Hospitality
A. Hansen Contracting250-949-7960 (Andrew)Quatsino
Colony Lake & Dish Rag LakeQuatsinoParks & Nature
Quatsino Sound Marine Transport250-949-6359QuatsinoTransportation Services
Aircab Charter Flights250-949-6371QuatsinoTransportation Services
Bergh Cove Organic Schoolyard (BCOS)250-949-6843QuatsinoService Club
Quatsino Advisory Planning Commission250-949-0401Quatsino
Sointula Museum250-973-6593SointulaArts & Culture
Sointula Recreation Association250-973-6704SointulaSports & Recreation
Sointula Resource Centre Society250-973-2001Sointula
Sointula Salmon Day250-973-2001SointulaEvent
Sointula Seniors250-973-6506SointulaSenior Services
Sointula Volunteer Fire Department250-973-6840SointulaSafety
Sointula Winterfestival250-973-2001SointulaEvent
Badminton ClubWoss
Mount Cain Alpine Park Society250-203-6422WossSports & Recreation
Nimpkish Valley Rod & Gun Club250-281-4230 250-281-2232WossSports & Recreation
Slo-Pitch Tournament (Annual in July)250-281-2250 or250-281-3455WossEvent
Strong Start Program250-281-2233Woss
Vancouver Island Regional Library (Woss)4503B Railway Avenue250-281-4383WossCommunity Services
Woss Lake Recreation250-281-4245WossSports & Recreation
Woss Residents Association250-281-2250WossService Clubs
Woss Volunteer Fire DepartmentBox 5189, Woss, BC250-281-3455WossSafety
Woss Weight Room250-281-2284WossSports & Recreation
Eilertsen’s Wharf & Boat Launch250-949-6371Coal HarbourMarine Services
MusicfestAlert BayEvent
SeafestAlert BayEvent
Harmony Glen Seniors Residence2nd Street250-973-6483SointulaSenior Services
Malcolm Island Advisory Planning Committee250-956-3301Sointula
Malcolm Island Lions ClubBox 212250-973-6520SointulaService Club
Coal Harbour Community Club250-949-0575Coal Harbour
Coal Harbour Volunteer Fire Department361 Albert Hole Road250-949-6430Coal HarbourSafety