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The Fundaments of Forestry: Free Training Opportunity Runs in Woss – April 2019 & August 2019

Jan 12, 2019 | Uncategorized

Vancouver Island University works with the RDWM and Western Forest Productions to create a Forestry Harvesting Program.

Retrieved from VIU:

Currently accepting applications for the April 1, 2019 intake of this program.  This is a TUITION FREE intake and students will be supplied with all personal safety gear required in the program too. 

About the Fundamentals of Forest Harvesting Practices Program

The future of the coast forest sector is bright and career opportunities in forestry look promising. Working in the harvesting sector of the forestry industry provides you with the opportunity to work outside in some of the most beautiful terrain in the world.

By working in a harvesting environment, you become an important part of a team tasked with moving wood from the hillside to the end customer. This can involve roles in road building, falling, yarding and transportation.

The Fundamentals of Forest Harvesting Practices Program is designed to provide students with the foundation skills and knowledge required to work safely, productively and sustainably in a harvesting environment.

The program content is based on competencies identified by the BC Forest Safety Council (BCFSC). The competencies were identified in consultation with industry subject matter experts and include the key skills, knowledge and attributes required for entry-level workers to have a strong safety philosophy and be successful.

How to Apply

Requirements: 19 years of age, successful completion of VIU assessment testing, provide personal profile and resume, be physically fit. You are also required to submit your resume with 2 references with your application.

The Program Assessment consists of Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Combined Reasoning. You will also be contacted to attend a 30 minute interview. Shortly thereafter, you will be notified if you have been admitted to the program.