Sointula: Learn More From the Sointula Resource Centre!
Retrieved from Sointula’s Webpage:
Things you only know if you live here…
The ferry line-up is along First Street. The 7:55am ferry leaves at 7:20am on Sundays. The Co-op store is closed Sundays & Mondays, but the Co-op Gas Station is open every day. Local dogs (and cats) have the right-of-way; if you come across one sleeping on the road, let it sleep and go around. You can make an appointment to see the museum in the off season. Sointula’s folklore is rich with tales of local eccentrics.
The Sointula Resource Centre is your connection to this vibrant seaside village and remarkable island. Visit their webpage of Facebook page to learn more about what makes Sointula a “Place of Harmony.”