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RECN: Providing Rural Internet Access to the RDMW

Dec 4, 2018 | Uncategorized

It’s “Computer Education Week!”

This week we celebrate the success of Ragged Edge Community Network Society (RECNS), a Non-Profit Society working to provide rural and remote local businesses and residences on the North Island with an opportunity to access fast, reliable high speed wireless.


Community Futures Mount Waddington (CFMW) has been working since 2002 to assist in delivering high-speed Internet access to North Islandcommunities. An invitation from the subscribing communities encouraged CFMW to develop a comprehensive business plan and delivery strategy and seek funding.

In the spring of 2005, the BC government, in partnership with Network BC and Telus, offered a grant to assist with the implementation of High Speed Internet connectivity to all of BC’s rural and remote communities.

CFMW sought further funding from the Coast Sustainability Trust Fund, Western Economic Diversification and Island Coastal Economic Trust, to begin the process of providing access to High Speed Internet service to the North Island’s remote communities. Ragged Edge Community Network (RECN) was formed.

Since inception, we now provide HIGH SPEED WIRELESS INTERNET service to rural communities including Sointula (as well as Kaleva Road and Mitchell Bay), Hyde Creek, Holberg, Quatsino, Hecate Cove, Coal Harbour, Quatsino First Nations, Zeballos, Ehattesaht First Nations and surrounding areas.

Community Futures Mount Waddington #raggededge#computereducationweek #myVIN